
18 May 2016

Idillio tragico (1922)

The Italian silent film Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922), based on the novel Idylle tragique (1896) by Paul Bourget. Star of this Medusa Film production was the beautiful Polish actress Helena (Elena) Makowska who was one of the divas of the Italian silent cinema in the 1910s.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: An aristocratic reception.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Start of the idyll between Ely and Oliviero.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Oliviero Duprat and Ely of Carlsberg in the first moments of their happiness.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Jealousy.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Ely's sadness after Oliviero has abandoned her.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: In order to take revenge on Oliviero, Ely tries to have Pierre d'Hautefeuille fall in love with her.

The idyll that ends in blood

In Idillio tragico the old archduke Henri François (Cav. Giuseppe Piemontesi) tries to prevent the marriage between his assistent Marcel Verdier (Tony Lekain) and the American lady Miss Marsh (Dolly Morgan), afraid to lose his assistent.

His wife, baroness Eleonora/Ely/Elly von Carlsberg (Helena Makowska), however, helps the two young ones to crown their love. Tired of her husband's jealousy and insults, she starts an affair with Oliviero/Olivier Duprat (Guido Trento), attaché at the French Embassy, but in reality a cynic upstart who is soon maltreating Eleonora.

Instead his friend Pierre d' Hautefeuille (Ferruccio Lado) truly falls in love with Elly. Olivier wants his friend to break with her but Pierre wants to see her one last time.

The archduke, already sore because of the flight of his assistant, hears about his wife's infidelity and plans an ambush. When he notices a hitman is about to kill Pietro, Olivier shields his friend and dies. Elly and Pierre won't meet again. The idyll tragically ends in blood.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Aboard the "Sita".

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Jealousy and suspicions by Olivier.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Ely rejects Oliviero, as she has now fallen in love with Pietro di Hautefeuille.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: The archduke Francesco has in his hands the proof of his wife's infidelity.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Oliviero's death.

Idillio tragico
Italian postcard by Unione Cinematografica Italiana. Photo: publicity still for Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922). Caption: Pietro finds the dying Oliviero.

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