Georgette de Néry aka de Nérys played Primerose in the sequel, La nouvelle mission de Judex (1916-1917). She didn't appear in the original Judex film, and La nouvelle mission de Judex was probably her only film.

French postcard by Coquemer Gravures, Paris. Cliché Gerschel. Photo: Gaumont. Still for La nouvelle mission de Judex (Louis Feuillade, 1917-1918).
In La nouvelle mission de Judex most characters from Judex return: Judex (René Cresté), Jacqueline (Yvette Andreyor), her father Favraux (Louis Leubas), clumsy Cocantin (Marcel Levesque), little Jean (Olinda Mano) and Roger (Edouard Mathé).
Jacques/Judex has married Jacqueline, so he has become a father to her son Jean. Jacques' brother Roger loves a neighbour girl Primerose (Georgette de Néry), whose father is the inventor Milton (Emile Keppens).
Their happiness is threatened by the dangerous gang La rafle aux secrets (the raiders of the secrets), avid to steal and resell important technological inventions. The evil Dr. Howey (Andrew Brunelle) and his accomplice, the dangerous Baronne d'Apremont (Juana Borguèse), both have the capacities to hypnotise the innocent Jacqueline and Primerose, and make them do things against their will.
Jacqueline threatens to poison her already ill son, while Primerose steals her father's invention and kidnaps little Jean. The Baronne and her female aid Gaby (Cyprian Gilles) hold Jean, but they are captured and imprisoned by Judex and Cocantin, Gaby repents but the unrepentant Baronne escapes. Dr. Hewey and the Baronne die when their boat explodes, accidentally caused by Cocantin.
In the end Primerose is cured and marries Roger. Remarkable is that the theft of the invention seems an excuse to display the hysterical crises and hypnotised states of the women, while the Baronne and Gaby seem to be very close to another and the previous strict boundaries between good woman/bad woman in Judex are blurred.

French postcard by Coquemer Gravures. Photo: Production Gaumont. Still for La nouvelle mission de Judex (Louis Feuillade, 1917-1918).
Source: Vicki Callahan, Zones of Anxiety: Movement, Musidora and the Crime Serals of Louis Feuillade.
French postcard by Coquemer Gravures, Paris. Cliché Gerschel. Photo: Gaumont. Still for La nouvelle mission de Judex (Louis Feuillade, 1917-1918).
The Raiders Of The Secrets
In La nouvelle mission de Judex most characters from Judex return: Judex (René Cresté), Jacqueline (Yvette Andreyor), her father Favraux (Louis Leubas), clumsy Cocantin (Marcel Levesque), little Jean (Olinda Mano) and Roger (Edouard Mathé).
Jacques/Judex has married Jacqueline, so he has become a father to her son Jean. Jacques' brother Roger loves a neighbour girl Primerose (Georgette de Néry), whose father is the inventor Milton (Emile Keppens).
Their happiness is threatened by the dangerous gang La rafle aux secrets (the raiders of the secrets), avid to steal and resell important technological inventions. The evil Dr. Howey (Andrew Brunelle) and his accomplice, the dangerous Baronne d'Apremont (Juana Borguèse), both have the capacities to hypnotise the innocent Jacqueline and Primerose, and make them do things against their will.
Jacqueline threatens to poison her already ill son, while Primerose steals her father's invention and kidnaps little Jean. The Baronne and her female aid Gaby (Cyprian Gilles) hold Jean, but they are captured and imprisoned by Judex and Cocantin, Gaby repents but the unrepentant Baronne escapes. Dr. Hewey and the Baronne die when their boat explodes, accidentally caused by Cocantin.
In the end Primerose is cured and marries Roger. Remarkable is that the theft of the invention seems an excuse to display the hysterical crises and hypnotised states of the women, while the Baronne and Gaby seem to be very close to another and the previous strict boundaries between good woman/bad woman in Judex are blurred.
French postcard by Coquemer Gravures. Photo: Production Gaumont. Still for La nouvelle mission de Judex (Louis Feuillade, 1917-1918).
Source: Vicki Callahan, Zones of Anxiety: Movement, Musidora and the Crime Serals of Louis Feuillade.
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