The Film Specials

9 (Shane Acker, 2009)
37°2 le matin/Betty Blue (Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1986)
42nd Street (Lloyd Bacon, 1933)

Henny Porten in Anna Boleyn (1920)

A guardia di Sua Maestà/On His Majesty's Guard (Baldassarre Negroni, 1916)
Abenteuer der Sibylle Brant, Das/The Adventures of Sybil Brent (Carl Froehlich, 1925)
Abie's Irish Rose (Victor Fleming, 1928)
Abschied/Farewell (Egon Günther, 1968)
Acht Mädels im Boot/Eight Girls in a Boat (Erich Waschneck, 1932)
Accidia, l'/Acedia (Alfredo De Antoni, 1919)
Addio giovinezza!/Goodbye Youth! (Augusto Genina, 1918)
Agnes Arnau und ihre drei Freier/Agnes Arnau and her three suitors (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Ahasver (Robert Reinert, 1917)
Aigrette, L'/The egret (Baldassarre Negroni, 1917)
Ala - Arriba! (José Leitão de Barros, 1942)
Alexander den Store/Alexander the Great (Mauritz Stiller, 1917)
Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979)
Alien Resurrection (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 1997)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Lewis Milestone, 1930)
All'ombra di un trono/In the Shadow of a Throne (Carmine Gallone, 1921)
Alpes rouges, Les/The Red Alps (Maurice Challiot, 1917)
Alte Fritz, Der/The Old Fritz (Gerhard Lamprecht, 1928)
Amants de Vérone, Les/The Lovers of Verona (André Cayatte, 1949)
Amleto/Hamlet (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1917)
Amazzone mascherata, L'/The Woman Who Dared (Baldassarre Negroni, 1914)
Amore e cospirazione/Love and Conspiracy (Enrico Vidali, 1915)
Amore rosso/Red love (Gennaro Righelli, 1921)
Amours imaginaires, Les/Heartbeats (Xavier Dolan, 2010)
Angel Heart (Alan Parker, 1987)
Angèlique (Bernard Borderie, 1964-1968)
Anna Boleyn/Anne Boleyn (Ernst Lubitsch, 1920)
Anna Christie (Clarence Brown/ Jacques Feyder, 1930)
Aristocats, The (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1970)
Arme Thea/Poor Thea (Carl Froelich, 1919)
Arzigogolo, L'/The Court Jester (Mario Almirante, 1924)
Attila (Febo Mari, 1918)
Auf Befehl der Pompadour/By Order of Pompadour (Friedrich Zelnik, 1924)
Auf Probe gestellt/Put to the test (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Austernprinzessin, Sie/The Oyster Princess (Ernst Lubitsch, 1919)
Aux yeux du souvenir/Nightstop in Dakar (Jean Delannoy, 1948)
Avarizia, L/Greed (Gustavo Serena, 1918)
Avatar (James Cameron, 2009)

Victor Sjöström in Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru

Bambi (David Hand, 1942)
Barb Wire (David Hogan, 1996)
Bataille du rail, La/The Battle of the Rails (René Clément, 1946)
Batman (Tim Burton, 1989)
Batman Forever (Joel Schumacher, 1995)
Batman - the Movie (Leslie H. Martinson, 1966)
Battle of Britain (Guy Hamilton, 1969)
Beatrice Cenci (Guido Brignone, 1941)
Because You're Mine (Alexander Hall, 1952)
Beiden Gatten der Frau Ruth, Die/Ruth's Two Husbands (Rudolf Biebrach, 1919)
Belle au bois dormant, La/The Sleeping Beauty (Lucien Nonguet, Ferdinand Zecca, 1902)
Belle et la bête, La/Beauty and the Beast (Jean Cocteau, René Clément, 1946)
Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (Fred Niblo, 1925)
Berg-Ejvind och hans hustru/The Outlaw and His Wife (Victor Sjöström, 1918)
Bettelstudent, Der/The Beggar Student (Jacob Fleck and Luise Fleck, 1927)
Bezeten - Het gat in de muur/Obsessions (Pim de la Parra, 1969)
Big Parade, The (King Vidor, 1925)
Big van het regiment, De/The Darling of the Regiment (Max Nosseck, 1935)
Birdcage, The (Mike Nichols, 1996)
Bismarck, Teil. 1/Bismarck (Ernst Wendt, 1925)
Black Pirate, The (Albert Parker, 1926)
Blaue Engel, Der/The Blue Angel (Josef von Sternberg, 1930)
Blaue Laterne, Die/The Blue Lantern (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Bleeke Bet/Pale Betty (Alex Benno, Richard Oswald, 1934)
Blessée au coeur/Wounded in the heart (?, 1917),
Blonder Traum, Ein/Happy ever after (Paul Martin, 1932)
Blondie Johnson (Ray Enright, 1933)
Bocca chiusa, La/The closed mouth (Guglielmo Zorzi, 1925)
Bohème, La (King Vidor, 1925)
Bomben/Sunshine and Shadow (Rune Carlsten, 1920)
Bossu, Le/The Hunchback (Jean Kemm, 1925)
Boy of Flanders, A (Victor Schertzinger, 1924)
Brass Bullet, The (Ben F. Wilson, 1918)
Brennende Acker, Der/Burning Soil (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1922)
Bride of Frankenstein (James Whale, 1935)
Brière, La (Léon Poirier, 1924)
Broken Coin, The (Francis Ford, 1915)
Bufera/The Storm (Wladimiro De Liguoro, 1926)
Bug's Life, A (John Lasseter, 1998)
Bus Stop (Joshua Logan, 1956)
By Candlelight (James Whale, 1933)

Iwan Mosjukin

Cabiria (Giovanni Pastrone, 1914)
Calamity Jane (David Butler, 1953)
Canzone dell'amore, La/The Song of Love (Gennaro Righelli, 1930)
Capitan, Le/The Captain (Robert Vernay, 1946)
Carlos und Elisabeth/Carlos and Elisabeth (Richard Oswald, 1924)
Carmen (Ernst Lubitsch, 1918)
Carnevalesca (Amleto Palermi, 1918)
Carnet de bal, Un/Dance Program (Julien Duvivier, 1937)
Carnevale di Venezia, Il/The Carnival of Venice (Mario Almirante, 1928)
Casa di vetro, La/The glass house (Gennaro Righelli, 1920)
Casanova (Alexandre Volkoff, 1927)
Cavalcata ardente, La/The fiery cavalcade (Carmine Gallone, 1925)
Cento giorni di Napoleone, I/I cento giorni/Napoleone/The Hundred Days of Napoleon (Roberto Danesi, Archita Valente, 1914)
Chaplin (Richard Attenborough, 1992)
Charlemagne (Pierre Colombier, 1933)
Chat botté, Le/Puss in Boots (Lucien Nonguet, 1903)
Chemineau, Le/The Tramp (Albert Capellani, 1905)
Chiromante, La/The Fortune Teller (Mario Almirante, 1922)
Christus/Christ (Giulio Antamoro, 1916)
Ciceruacchio (Emilio Ghione, 1915)
Cinderella (Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, 1950)
Cirano di Bergerac (Augusto Genina, 1923)
City Lights (Charles Chaplin, 1931)
Claudi vom Geiserhof, Die/Claudi of the Geiserhof (Rudolf Biebrach, 1917)
Cleopatra (Cecil B. DeMille, 1934)
Cleopatra (Joseph L. Mankiewicz, 1963)
Collier de la reine, Le/The Queen's Necklace (Tony Lekain, Gaston Ravel, 1929)
Come le foglie/Like the Leaves (Gennaro Righelli, 1917)
Comedian Harmonists/The Harmonists (Joseph Vilsmaier, 1997)
Comte de Monte-Christo, Le/The Count of Monte Christo (Henri Pouctal, 1918)
Corsa all'abisso, La/The Pace That Kills (Attilio Fabbri, 1914)
Course à l'amour, La/Love on the Run (Paul Barlatier, Charles Keppens, 1924)
Cowboy, Der/The Cowboy (Alwin Neuss, 1918)
Crusades, The (Cecil B. DeMille, 1935)
Csardasfürstin, Die/The Csardas Princess (Hanns Schwarz, 1927)
Cuccagna, La/The Bonanza (Baldassarre Negroni, 1917)

Dobry vojak Svejk (The Good Soldier Svejk)

Da Vinci Code, The (Ron Howard, 2006)
Daddy (E. Mason Hopper, 1923)
Dagli Appennini alle Ande/From the Apennines to the Andes (Umberto Paradisi, 1916)
Dama del Castillo Negro, La (?, ?)
Dama sa crnom krinkom/The Lady in the Black Mask (Robert Staerk, 1918)
Dame, der Teufel und die Probiermamsell, Die/The Lady, the Devil and the Model (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Daredevil (Mark Steven Johnson, 2003)
Dave and Dusty (1946-1949)
David and Bathsheba (Henry King, 1951)
Delenda Carthago! (Tragedia dell'età antica)/The Destruction of Carthage (Luigi Maggi, 1914)
Déserteuse, La/Déserteuse! (Louis Feuillade, 1917)
Deutsche Lied, Das/The German song (Karl Pindl, 1928)
Disfida di Barletta, La/Ettore Fieramosca (Umberto Paradisi, 1915)
Divine Lady, The (Frank Lloyd, 1929)
Dobry vojak Svejk/The Good Soldier Svejk (Jiri Trnka, 1955)
Dog's Life, A (Charles Chaplin, 1918)
Doña Juana/Donna Juana (Paul Czinner, 1928)
Donna abbandonata, La/The abandoned woman (Baldassarre Negroni, 1917)
Dood water/Dead Water (Gerard Rutten, 1934)
D'où viens-tu... Johnny?/Where Are You From, Johnny? (Noël Howard, 1963)
Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola, 1992)
Dramma di una notte, Il/The Drama of One Night (Mario Caserini 1918)
Dream Lady, The (Elsie Jane Wilson, 1918)
Dreimäderlhaus, Das/The House of Three Girls (Richard Oswald, 1918)
Drohende Wolken am Firmament/Threatening clouds in the sky (Fern Andra, 1918)
Dumbo (Ben Sharpsteen, a.o., 1941)
Dunungen/In Quest of Happiness (Ivan Hedqvist, 1919)
Dvije sirote/Dvije sirotice/The Two Orphans (Alfred Grinhut, 1919)

Monica Vitti and Alain Delon in L'eclisse (1962)

Eagle, The (Clarence Brown, 1924)
Eclisse, L'/The Eclipse (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1962)
Edelsteine/Gems (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Egy Dollár/One Dollar/Az egyhuszasos lány (Uwe Jens Krafft, 1924)
Elizabeth: the Golden Age (Shekhar Kapur, 2007)
Empereur des pauvres, L'/The emperor of the poor (René Leprince, 1921)
Emperor's New Groove, The (Mark Dindal, 2000)
Epopée napoléonienne, L'/Napoleon Bonaparte (Lucien Nonguet, 1903)
Ernst ist das Leben/Life is Serious (Fern Andra, 1916)
Erotikon/Bounds That Chafe (Mauritz Stiller,1920)
Es fiel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht/There was frost in the spring night (Fern Andra, Kurt Matull, 1915)
Esclave de Phidias, L'/The Slave of Phydias (Léonce Perret, 1917)

Gösta Ekman in Faust (1926)

Fabiola (Enrico Guazzoni, 1918)
Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le/Amelie (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2001)
Fahrt ins Blaue, Die/The drive into the blue (Rudolf Biebrach, 1919)
Familie van mijn vrouw, De/My Wife's Family (Jaap Speyer, 1935)
Familjens traditioner/Family Traditions (Rune Carlsten, 1920)
Fantômas/Fantomas (Louis Feuillade, 1913)
Fantômas contre Fantômas/Fantomas Against Fantomas (Louis Feuillade, 1914)
Fanfare (Bert Haanstra, 1958)
Fantasia (James Algar, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Ben Sharpsteen, a.o., 1940)
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Tim Story, 2007)
Faust (Alice Guy, 1905)
Faust – Eine deutsche Volkssage/Faust (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1926)
Faux magistrat, Le/The False Magistrate (Louis Feuillade, 1914)
Favilla/Love's Labour Won (Ivo Illuminati, 1921)
Fernanda (Gustavo Serena, 1917)
Fesseln/Chains (Hubert Moest, 1918)
Festa del blat, La/La fiesta del trigo/The Wheat Festival (Josep de Togores i Muntades, Joan Solà i Mestres, 1914)
Fiaccola sotto il moggio, La/The Torch under the Bushel (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1916)
Figaro (Gaston Ravel, 1929)
Figlio di Madame Sans-Gêne, Il/The Son of Madame Sans-Gêne (Baldassarre Negroni, 1921)
Finding Nemo (Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich, 2003)
Finanzen des Großherzogs, Die /The Grand Duke's Finances (Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, 1924)
Fiskebyn/The Fishing Village (Mauritz Stiller, 1920)
Floris (Paul Verhoeven, 1969)
Flötenkonzert von Sanssouci, Das/The Flute Concert of Sans-Souci (Gustav von Ucicky, 1930)
Folgore/Lightning (Ugo De Simone, 1919)
Fornaretto di Venezia, Il/The Baker Boy of Venice (Mario Almirante, 1923)
Fra uomini e belve (Avventure in India)/Between Savage and Tiger (Giulio Antamoro, 1913)
Frankenstein (James Whale, 1931)
Frau im Mond/Woman in the Moon (Fritz Lang, 1929)
Frate Francesco/The Passion of St. Francis (Giulio Antamoro, 1927)
Fräulein Else/Miss Else (Paul Czinner, 1929)
Fräulein Wildfang/Miss Wildfang (Friedrich Zelnik, 1916)
Fridericus Rex (Arzén von Cserépy, 1922-1923)
Frou-Frou (Alfredo De Antoni, 1918)
Frühlingsstürme im Herbste des Lebens/Spring Storms in the Autumn of Life (Fern Andra, 1918)
Fürst der Diebe und seine Liebe, Der/The King of Thieves and His Love (Viggo Larsen, 1919)
Fürstin von Beranien, Die/The Princess of Berania (Ernst Reicher, 1918)

Gert Fröbe and Sean Connery in Goldfinger (1964)

Gattopardo, Il/The Leopard (Luchino Visconti, 1963)
Gaucho, The (F. Richard Jones, 1927)
Geier-Wally, Die/Vulture Wally (E.A. Dupont, 1921)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Howard Hawks, 1953)
Gerusalemme liberata, La/The Crusaders/Jerusalem Liberated (Enrico Guazzoni, 1918)
Geschlecht derer von Ringwall, Das/The Dynasty of von Ringwall (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Gioconda, La (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1917)
Giudice e padre/Judge and Father (Gian Giorgio Trissino, 1917)
Giuditta e Oloferne/Judith and Holofernes (Baldassarre Negroni, 1929)
Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei/The Last Days of Pompeii (Amleto Palermi, Carmine Gallone, 1926)
Glück der Frau Beate, Das/The luck of the Mrs. Beate (Alwin Neuß, Otto Rippert, 1918)
Gola, La/Gluttony (Camillo De Riso, 1918)
Goldene Kalb, Das/The Golden Calf (Peter Paul Felner, 1924)
Goldene Krone, Die/The Golden Crown (Alfred Halm, 1920)
Goldfinger (Guy Hamilton, 1964)
Golgotha (Julien Duvivier, 1935)
Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1939)
Gosse de riche/Rich Kid (Charles Burguet, 1920)
Gösta Berlings saga/The Atonement of Gösta Berling (Mauritz Stiller, 1924)
Gräfin Donelli/Countess Donelli (G.W. Pabst, 1924)
Grand bleu, Le/The Big Blue (Luc Besson, 1988)
Grand Hotel (Edmund Goulding, 1932)
Grande fille toute simple, Une/Just a Big Simple Girl (Jacques Manuel, 1948)
Grande passione, La (Mario Almirante, 1922)
Grease (Randal Kleiser, 1978)
Great Caruso, The (Richard Thorpe, 1951)
Grosse Pause, Die/The Long Intermission (Carl Froehlich, 1927)
Guerre des boutons, La/The War of the Buttons (Yves Robert, 1962)
Guglielmo Oberdan, il martire di Trieste/Guglielmo Oberdan, the martyr of Trieste (Emilio Ghione, 1915)
Gyurkovicsarna/Lieutenant Tophat (John W. Brunius, 1920)

Gunnar Tolnaes and Lilly Jacobson in Himmelskibet/Das Himmelschiff

Halbstarken, Die/Teenage Wolfpack (Georg Tressler, 1956)
Halkas Gelöbnis/Halka's Vow (Alfred Halm, 1918)
Hangover, The (Todd Phillips, 2009)
Heide-Gretel (Otto Rippert, 1918)
Hellraiser (Clive Barker, 1987)
Hercules (Ron Clements, John Musker, 1997)
Herr Arnes pengar/Sir Arne's Treasure (Mauritz Stiller, 1919)
Herz der Königin, Das/The Heart of a Queen (Carl Froehlich, 1940)
Herz des Casanova, Das/The Heart of Casanova (Erik Lund, 1919)
High Society (Charles Walters, 1956)
Himmelskibet/A Trip to Mars (Holger Madsen, 1918)
Home at the End of the World, A (Michael Mayer, 2004)
Homme aux trois masques, L'/Man with Three Masks, The (Emille Keppens, 1920)
Homunculus (Otto Rippert, 1916)
Hon dansade en sommar/One Summer of Happiness (Arne Mattsson, 1951)
Hussard sur le toit, Le/The Horseman on the Roof(Jean-Paul Rappeneau, 1995)

Henny Porten in Ihr Sport

Ice Age: The Meltdown (Carlos Saldanha, 2006)
Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren.../I lost my heart in Heidelberg (Arthur Bergen, 1926)
Ich will nicht wissen, wer du bist/I Don't Want To Know Who You Are (Géza von Bolváry, 1932)
Idillio tragico (Gaston Ravel, 1922)
Ihr Sport/Her Sport (Rudolf Biebrach, 1919)
Incompreso/Misunderstood (Luigi Comencini, 1966)
Incredibles, The (Brad Bird, 2004)
Infermiere di Tata, L'/The nurse of Tata (Leopoldo Carlucci, 1916)
Ingmarssönerna/Dawn of Love (Victor Sjöström, 1919)

Innamorata, L'/The Woman in Love (Gennaro Righelli, 1920)
I.N.R.I. (Robert Wiene, 1923)
Invidia, L'/Envy (Edoardo Bencivenga, 1918)
Invisible Man, The (James Whale, 1933)
Ira, L'/Anger (Edoardo Bencivenga, 1918)
Iris (Achille Consalvi, 1914)


J'accuse/I accuse (Abel Gance, 1919)
Jackie Brown (Quentin Tarantino, 1997)
Jacopo Ortis (Giuseppe Sterni, 1918)
Jantjes, De/The Tars (Jaap Speyer, 1934)
Jenny (Willy van Hemert, 1958)
Jettchen Geberts Geschichte/Jettchen Gebert's Story (Richard Oswald, 1918)
Joueur d'échecs, Le/The Chess Player (Raymond Bernard, 1927)
Jou-Jou (Baldassarre Negroni, 1916)
Jungle Book (Zoltan Korda, 1942)
Jungle Book, The (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1967)
Jurassic Park (Steven Spielberg, 1993)
Juve versus Fantômas/Juve contre Fantômas (Louis Feuillade, 1913)

Kammermusik/My Bachelor Husbands (Carl Froelich, 1925)
Kampf um die Scholle/Struggle for the Soil (Erich Waschneck, 1925)
Karin Ingmarsdotter/God's Way/Karin Daughter of Ingmar (Victor Sjöström, 1920)
Kaufmann von Venedig, Der/The Merchant of Venice (Peter Paul Felner, 1923)
Kid, The (Charles Chaplin, 1921)
Kid from Spain, The (Leo McCarey, 1932)
Kill Bill (Quentin Tarantino, 2004-2005)
King and I, The (Walter Lang, 1956)
King of Kings, The (Cecil B. DeMille, 1927)
Kiss Before the Mirror, The (James Whale, 1933)
Klostret i Sendomir/The Monastery of Sendomir (Victor Sjöström, 1920)
Knight's Tale, A (Brian Helgeland, 2001)
Kohlhiesels Töchter/Kohlhiesel's Daughters (Ernst Lubitsch, 1920)
Kohlhiesels Töchter/Gretel and Liesl (Hans Behrendt, 1930)
Kongress tanzt, Der/The Congress dances (Erik Charell, 1931)
Körkarlen/The Phantom Carriage (Victor Sjöström, 1921)

Körkarlen (1920)

Lachende Seele, Die/The Laughing Soul (Georg Alexander, 1918)
Lady and the Tramp (Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, 1955)
Landsflyktiga, De/The Emigrants/The Exiles (Mauritz Stiller, 1921)
Last Command, The (Josef von Sternberg, 1928)
Letzte Mohikaner, Der/The Last Tomahawk (Harald Reinl, 1965)
Letzte Walzer, Der/The Last Waltz (Arthur Robison, 1927)
Liberté surveillée, La/Provisional Liberty (Henri Aisner, Vladimír Vlcek, 1958)
Liberty (Henry MacRae, Jacques Jaccard, 1916)
Liebe/Love (Paul Czinner, 1927)
Liebe und Diebe/Love and Thieves (Carl Froehlich, 1928)
Lion King, The (Roger Allers, Rob Minkoff, 1994)
Little Mermaid, The (Ron Clements, John Musker, 1989)
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The (Henry Hathaway, 1935)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Guy Ritchie, 1998)
Long dimanche de fiançailles, Un/A Very Long Engagement (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 2004)
Lorena (Georges Tréville, 1918)
Lorenzaccio (Giuseppe De Liguoro, 1918)
Lost Horizon (Frank Capra, 1937)
Love Parade, The (Ernst Lubitsch, 1929)
Lussuria, La/Lust (Edoardo Bencivenga, 1919)

Maciste all'inferno

Maciste all’Inferno/Maciste in Hell (Guido Brignone, 1926)
Maciste nella gabbia dei leoni/Maciste in the Lion's Cage (Guido Brignone, 1926)
Madagascar (Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath, 2005)
Madame DuBarry (Ernst Lubitsch, 1919)
Madame Tallien/Madame Guillotine (Mario Caserini, Enrico Guazzoni, 1916)
Mädchen in Uniform/Girls in Uniform (Leontine Sagan, Carl Froelich, 1931)
Maharadjahens Yndlingshustru/The Maharaja’s Favourite Wife (Robert Dinesen, Svend Gade, 1917)
Malìa (Alfredo De Antoni, 1917)
Malle gevallen/Silly situations (Jaap Speyer, 1934)
Malombra (Carmine Gallone, 1917)
Man in the Iron Mask, The (Randall Wallace, 1998)
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, The (John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman, 1977)
Marcelino, pan y vino/The Miracle of Marcelino (Ladislao Vajda, 1955)
Mare Nostrum/Our Sea (Rex Ingram, 1926)
Mary Poppins (Robert Stevenson, 1964)
Maskenfest des Lebens, Das/The Masquerade of Life (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Mästerkatten i stövlar/Puss in boots (John W. Brunius, 1918)
Mata Hari (George Fitzmaurice, 1931)
Matrimonio di Olimpia, Il/Olympia's wedding (Gero Zambuto, 1918)
Matrix Reloaded, The (Lana Wachowski, Lilly Wachowski, 2003)
Maytime in Mayfair (Herbert Wilcox, 1949)
Meine Tante - deine Tante/My Aunt, Your Aunt (Carl Froehlich, 1927)
Meisje met de blauwe hoed, Het/The girl with the blue hat (Rudolf Meinert, 1934)
Meister von Nürnberg, Der/The Master of Nuremberg (Ludwig Berger, 1927)
Melodie des Herzens/Melody of the Heart (Hanns Schwarz, 1929)
Mères françaises/French Mothers (René Hervil, Louis Mercanton, 1917)
Merry Widow, The (Erich von Stroheim, 1925)
Mes p'tits/Le calvaire d’un saltimbanque (Paul Barlatier, Charles Keppens, 1923)
Metropolis (Fritz Lang, 1927)
Michel Strogoff (Jacques de Baroncelli, Richard Eichberg, 1936)
Michel Strogoff (Victor Tourjansky, 1926)
Midinettes (René Hervil, Louis Mercanton, 1917)
Mirakel, Das/The Miracle (Max Reinhardt, Michel Carré, 1912)
Misérables, Les (Raymond Bernard, 1934)
Misérables, Les (Tom Hooper, 2012)
Monika Vogelsang (Rudolf Biebrach, 1920)
Monpti/Love from Paris (Helmut Käutner, 1957)
Monsieur Beaucaire (Sidney Olcott, 1924)
Monsters, Inc. (Peter Docter, Lee Unkrich, David Silverman, 2001)
Moonriders, The (B. Reeves Eason, Theodore Wharton, 1920)
Morocco (Josef von Sternberg, 1930)
Mort qui tue, La/The Dead Man Who Killed (Louis Feuillade, 1913)
Mot de l'énigme, Le/The Word of The Enigma (Georges Monca, 1916)
Mouschy (Hubert Moest, 1918)
My Fair Lady (George Cukor, 1964)
Mystères de New York, Les/The Mysteries of New York (1915)
Mystères de Paris, Les/The Mysteries of Paris (Charles Burguet, 1922)
Mühle von Sanssouci, Die/The Mill of Sanssouci (Friedrich Zelnik, Siegfried Philippi, 1926)

Napoleon blessé à Ratisbonne

Na semi vetrakh/Four Winds of Heaven (Stanislav Rostotskiy, 1962)
Nacht in der Stahlkammer, Eine/A Night in the Steel Chamber (Felix Basch, 1917)
Nana (Dorothy Arzner, George Fitzmaurice, 1934)
Napoléon 1er/Napoléon (N.N., 1909)
Napoléon (Abel Gance, 1927)
Nascita di Salomè, La/The birth of Salome (Jean Choux, 1940)
Naufragio/Shipwreck (Umberto Paradisi, 1916)
Nave, La/The Ship (Gabriellino D'Annunzio, Mario Roncoroni, 1921)
Nelly la gigolette (Emilio Ghione, 1915)
Nerone e Agrippina (Mario Caserini, 1914)
Nibelungen, Die (Fritz Lang, 1924)
Nibelungen, Die (Harald Reinl, 1966)
Noi Vivi/We the Living (Goffredo Alessandrini, 1942)
Nouvelle mission de Judex, La/The New Mission of Judex (Louis Feuillade, 1917-1918)
Nur ein Schmetterling/Only a Butterfly (Iwa Raffay, 1918)

Occident, L'/The West (Henri Fescourt, 1928)
Oliver & Company (George Scribner, 1988)
Ölprinz, Der/The Oil Prince (Harald Philipp, 1965)
Oliver Twist (Frank Lloyd, 1922)
Ombra, L'/The Shadow (Mario Almirante, 1923)
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske, 1961)
Op hoop van zegen/The good hope (Alex Benno, 1934)
Op stap/On the Road (Ernst Winar, 1935)
Ore 9: lezione di chimica/Schoolgirl Diary (Mario Mattoli, 1941)
Orgoglio, L'/La superbia/Pride (Edoardo Bencivenga, 1918)
Osceola (Konrad Petzold, 1971)
Othello (Dimitri Buchowetzki, 1922)

Le petit poucet (Pathé frères 1905).

Paname...n'est pas Paris/Die Apachen von Paris/Apaches of Paris (Nikolai Malikoff, 1927)
Pearl Harbor (Michael Bay, 2001)
Peau d'âne/Donkey Skin (Jacques Demy, 1970)
Peer Gynt (Victor Barnowsky, 1919)
Peter Pan (Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, 1953)
Petit Poucet, Le/Little Thumb (Michel Boisrond, 1972)
Petit Poucet, Le/Tom Thumb (Vincent Lorant-Heilbronn, 1905)
Piccolo patriota padovano, Il/The little patriot from Padua (Leopoldo Carlucci, 1915)
Piccolo scrivano fiorentino, Il/The Little Scribe from Florence (Leopoldo Carlucci, 1915)
Piccolo vedetta Lombarda, La/The Little Lookout from Lombardy (Vittorio Rossi Pianelli, 1915)
Pietje Bell/Peter Bell (Maria Peters, 2002)
Pietro, der Korsar/Peter the Pirate (Arthur Robison, 1925)
Pinocchio (Hamilton Luske, Ben Sharpsteen, a.o., 1940)
Planet of the Apes (Tim Burton, 2001)
Pocahontas (Mike Gabriel, Eric Goldberg, 1995)
Ponte dei sospiri, Il/The Bridge of Sighs (Domenico Gaido, 1921)
Porteuse de pain, La/The bread peddler (René Sti, 1934)
Potere sovrano, Il/Temporal Power (Baldassarre Negroni, Percy Nash, 1916)
Potiche (François Ozon, 2010)
Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen, 1918)
Pratertraum/Prater. Die Erlebnisse zweier Nähmädchen (Peter Paul Felner, 1924)
Preda, La/The prey (Guglielmo Zorzi, 1921)
Prem Sanyas/Die Leuchte Asiens/The Light of Asia (Franz Osten, Himansu Rai, 1925)
Principessa di Bagdad, La/The Princess of Bagdad (Baldassarre Negroni, 1918)
Prison Without Walls, The (E. Mason Hopper, 1917)
Prisoner of Zenda, The (Rex Ingram, 1922)
Private Life of Helen of Troy, The (Alexander Korda, 1927)
Processo Clémenceau, Il/The Clemenceau Affair (Alfredo De Antoni, 1917)
Promessi sposi, I/The Betrothed (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1913)
Promessi sposi, I/The Betrothed (Mario Bonnard, 1922)
Promessi sposi, I/The Spirit and the Flesh (Mario Camerini, 1941)
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, 1994)
Pünktchen und Anton/Punktchen and Anton (Thomas Engel, 1953)
Puppe, Die/The Doll (Ernst Lubitsch, 1919)

Quadrophenia (Franc Roddam, 1979)
Quick (Robert Siodmak, 1932)
Quo vadis? (Enrico Guazzoni, 1913)
Quo vadis? (Georg Jacoby, Gabriellino D'Annunzio, 1924), 2

Resurrezione (1917)

Rapsodia satanica/Satan's Rhapsody (Nino Oxilia, 1917)
Ratatouille (Brad Bird, Jan Pinkava, 2007)
Rausch/Intoxication (Ernst Lubitsch, 1919)
Re, le torri e gli alfieri, Il/The King, the Towers and the Bishops (Ivo Illuminati, Lucio D'Ambra, 1917)
Red Shoes, The (Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger, 1948)
Rescuers, The (John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman, Art Stevens, 1977)
Resurrezione/Resurrection (Mario Caserini, 1917)
Revolutionsbryllup/Die große Liebe/The Last Night (A.W. Sandberg, 1929)
Richterin, Die/The Judge (Paul von Woringen, 1917)
Ring der drei Wünsche, Der/The Ring of the Three Wishes (Arthur Wellin, 1918)
Ring der Giuditta Foscari, Der/The Ring of Giuditta Foscari (Alfred Halm, 1917)
Rise of Catherine the Great, The (Paul Czinner, 1934)
Riso amaro/Bitter Rice (Giuseppe de Santis, 1949)
Robin Hood (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1973)
Roman Holiday (William Wyler, 1953)
Romanticismo (Carlo Campogalliani, Arrigo Frusta, 1915)
Romanzo di Maud, Il/Maud's romance (Diana Karenne, 1917)
Romeo + Juliet (Baz Luhrmann, 1996)
Romeo und Julia im Schnee/Romeo and Juliet in the Snow (Ernst Lubitsch, 1920)
Romeo and Juliet (Renato Castellani, 1954)
Romeo e Giulietta/Romeo and Juliet (Franco Zeffirelli, 1968)
Rose Bernd (Alfred Halm, 1919)
Rosen aus dem Süden/Roses from the South (Carl Froehlich, 1926)
Rosenkavalier, Der/The Knight of the Rose (Robert Wiene, 1925)
Rubino del destino, Il/The Ruby of Destiny (Henri Étiévant, 1914)

Ramon Novarro in The Student Prince of Old Heidelberg (1927)

Sainted Devil, A (Joseph Henabery, 1924)
Sangue romagnolo/Blood from the Romagna (Leopoldo Carlucci, 1916)
Saracinesca (Gaston Ravel, 1921)
Scampolo (Alfred Weidenmann, 1958)
Schatz im Silbersee, Der/Treasure of Silver Lake (Harald Reinl, 1963)
Schicksal der Carola von Geldern, Das/The destiny of Carola von Geldern (Carl Froehlich, 1919)
Schöne Abenteuer, Das/The Beautiful Adventure (Reinhold Schünzel, 1932)
Schut, Der/The Yellow One (Robert Siodmak, 1964)
Seconda moglie, La/The second wife (Amleto Palermi, 1922)
Secret of the Submarine, The (George L. Sargent, 1916)
Seven Year Itch, The (Billy Wilder, 1955)
Sevilla de mis amores/La Sevillana (Ramon Novarro, 1930)
Sfinge, La/The Sphinx (Mario Caserini, 1918)
Shi mian mai fu/House of the Flying Daggers (Yimou Zhang, 2004)
Sie und die Drei (E.A. Dupont, 1922)
Sieger, Die/The Victors (Rudolf Biebrach, 1918)
Siegfried/Sigfrido (Mario Caserini, 1912)
Sign of the Cross, The (Cecil B. DeMille, 1932)
Signora delle camelie, La/The Lady of the Camellias (Gustavo Serena, 1915)
Signora di tutti, La/Everybody's Woman (Max Ophüls, 1934)
Sin City (Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino (special guest director), Robert Rodriguez, 2005)
Sissi (Ernst Marischka, 1955)
Sissignora/Yes, Madam (Ferdinando Maria Poggioli, 1942)
Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, 1999)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (William Cottrell, David Hand, Wilfred Jackson, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, Ben Sharpsteen, 1937)
Sohn des Hannibal, Der/The Son of Hannibal (Viggo Larsen, 1918)
Soll und Haben/Debit and Credit (Carl Wilhelm, 1924)
Son of the Sheik, The (George Fitzmaurice, 1926)
Sonnenstrahl/Two Souls in a Soulless City (Pál Fejös, 1933)
S.O.S. Eisberg/S.O.S. Iceberg (Arnold Fanck, 1933)
Špalíček/The Czech Year (Jiri Trnka, 1947)
Spartaco, il gladiatore della Tracia/Spartacus (Enrico Vidali, 1913)
Spasimi/Spasms (Giuseppe Giusti, 1917)
Spettri/Ghosts (A.G. Caldiera, 1918)
Sporck'schen Jäger, Die/The Sporck Battalion (Holger Madsen, 1927)
Spring in Park Lane (Herbert Wilcox, 1948)
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (George Lucas, 1999)
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (George Lucas, 2002)
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (George Lucas, 2005)
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (George Lucas, 1977)
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (Irvin Kershner, 1980)
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (Richard Marquand, 1983)
Statua di carne, La/The statue of flesh (Mario Almirante, 1921)
Storia dei tredici, La/The Thirteenth Man (Carmine Gallone, 1917)
Struensee/Die Liebe einer Königin (Ludwig Wolff, 1923)
Student Prince in Old Heidelberg, The (Ernst Lubitsch, 1927)
Sumurun (Ernst Lubitsch, 1920)
Sünde, Die/The Sin (Alwin Neuss, 1918)
Svatý Václav/St. Wenceslas (Jan S. Kolár, 1930)
Sword in the Stone, The (Wolfgang Reitherman, 1963)
Synnøve Solbakken (John W. Brunius, 1919)

Emil Jannings in Tragödie der Liebe (1923)

Tamburino sardo, Il/The Little Drummer Boy (Vittorio Rossi Pianelli, 1915)
Tarzan (Chris Buck, Kevin Lima, 1999)
Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
Ten Commandments, The (Cecil B. DeMille, 1923)
Ten Commandments, The (Cecil B. DeMille, 1956)
Teodora/Theodora (Leopoldo Carluccio, 1921)
Terra Madre/Mother Earth (Alessandro Blasetti, 1931)
There's Something About Mary (Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly, 1998)
Thief of Bagdad, The (Ludwig Berger, Michael Powell, Tim Whelan, 1940)
Thief of Bagdad, The (Raoul Walsh, 1924)
Third Man,The (Carol Reed, 1949)
Thomas Graals bästa barn/Thomas Graal's First Child (Mauritz Stiller, 1918)
Thomas Graals bästa film/Thomas Graal's Best Film (Mauritz Stiller, 1917)
Thora van Deken/A Mother’s Fight (John W. Brunius, 1920)
Three Caballeros, The (Norman Ferguson, Clyde Geronimi, Jack Kinney, Bill Roberts, 1944)
Three Musketeers, The (George Sidney, 1948)
Titanic (James Cameron, 1997)
Tochter der Gräfin Stachowska, Die/The Daughter of Countess Stachowksa (Otto Rippert, 1917)
Todessprung, Der/Um Krone und Peitsche/Crown and Whip (Georg Bluen, Fern Andra, 1919)
Tödlicher Irrtum (Fatal Error, Konrad Petzold, 1970)
Toxi (Robert A. Stemmle, 1952)
Top Gun (Tony Scott, 1986)
Tosca (Alfredo De Antoni, 1918)
Tösen från Stormyrtorpet/The Girl from the Marsh Croft (Victor Sjöström, 1917)
Tournoi dans la cité, Le/The Tournament (Jean Renoir, 1928)
Toy Story (John Lasseter, 1995)
Toy Story 2 (John Lasseter, Lee Unkrich, Ash Brannon, 1999)
Tragödie/Tragedy (Carl Froelich, 1925)
Tragödie der Liebe/Love Tragedy (Joe May, 1923)
Trainspotting (Danny Boyle, 1996)
Triboulet (Febo Mari, 1923)
Trompeter von Säkkingen, Der/The Trumpeter of Säkkingen (Franz Porten, 1918)
Trois mousquetaires, Les/The Three Musketeers (Henri Pouctal, 1913)
Trois mousquetaires, Les/The Three Musketeers (Henri Diamant Berger, 1921) (2)
Troy (Wolfgang Petersen, 2004)
Tua per la vita/Yours for life (Ugo De Simone, 1917)
Tugboat Annie (Mervyn LeRoy, 1933)

Übel größtes aber ist die Schuld, Der (Hubert Moest, 1918)
Ultima avventura, L'/The Last Adventure (Mario Camerini, 1932)
Ultimi zar, Gli/The Last Tsars (Baldassarre Negroni, 1928)
Ultus (George Pearson (1915-1917)
Ungarische Rhapsodie/Hungarian Rhapsody (Hanns Schwarz, 1928)
Unter Geiern/Among Vultures (Alfred Vohrer, 1964)
Uomo più allegro di Vienna, L'/The Most Cheerful Man in Vienna (Amleto Palermi, 1925)

Pierre Nay, Verdun

Val d'Olivi/Valley of the Olive Trees (Eleuterio Rodolfi, 1916)
Valentine Girl, The (J. Searle Dawley, 1917)
Valor civile/Civic Value (Umberto Paradisi, 1916)
Van Helsing (Stephen Sommers, 2004)
Vele ammainate/Lowered Sails (Anton Giulio Bragaglia, 1931)
Vem dömer/Love's Crucible (Victor Sjöström, 1922)
Verdun, visions d'histoire/Verdun, Visions of History (Léon Poirier, 1928)
Veritas Vincit (Joe May, 1919)
Vertigine/Vertigo love (Baldassarre Negroni, 1919)
Verwunschene Prinzessin, Die/The Enchanted Princess (Erik Lund, 1919)
Verwunschene Schloß, Das/The haunted castle (Otto Rippert, 1918)
Via del peccato, La/The Way of Sin (Amleto Palermi, 1925)
Vie de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, La (Maurice André Maître, 1913)
Vie et Passion de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ/Life and Passion of Christ (Ferdinand Zecca, 1907)
Vierde man, De/The Fourth Man (Paul Verhoeven, 1983)
Vingt ans après/Twenty Years After (Henri Diamant Berger, 1922) (2)
Violantha (Carl Froehlich, 1927)
Violettes impériales/Imperial Violets (Henry Roussel, 1924)
Voyna i mir/War and Peace (Sergei Bondarchuk, 1965-1966)
Vragoljanka (Alfred Grünhut, 1919)

Germana Paolieri in La Wally (1932)

Wally, La (Guido Brignone, 1932)
Walzertraum, Ein/A Waltz Dream (Ludwig Berger, 1925)
Way of All Flesh, The (Victor Fleming, 1927)
Weber, Die/The Weavers (Friedrich Zelnik, 1927)
Weg, der zur Verdammnis führt, I. Das Schicksal der Änne Wolter, Der/The Road to Damnation, 1. The Fate of Anne Wolter (Otto Rippert, 1918)
Wege zu Kraft und Schönheit/Ways to Strength and Beauty (Nicholas Kaufmann, Wilhelm Prager, 1925)
Wehe, wenn sie losgelassen...!/When She Starts - Look Out! (Carl Froehlich, 1926)
Weiße Dämon, Der/Dope (Kurt Gerron, 1932)
Weisse Wölfe/White Wolves (Bosko Boskovic, Konrad Petzold, 1969)
Wenn Menschen reif zur Liebe werden/When People Come to Love (Fern Andra, 1916)
West Side Story (Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins, 1961)
White Shadows in the South Seas (W.S. Van Dyke, Robert Flaherty, 1928)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Robert Zemeckis, 1988)
Winnetou - 1. Teil/Apache Gold (Harald Reinl, 1963)
Winnetou - 2. Teil/Last of the Renegades (Harald Reinl, 1964)
Winning of Barbara Worth, The (Henry King, 1926)
Wo die Lerche singt/Where the Lark Sings (Hubert Marischka, 1918)
Wo ein Wille, ist ein Weg/Where there is a will, there is a way (Hubert Moest, Richard Wilde, 1918)
Wogen des Schicksals/Waves of fate (Joe May, 1918)
Wundersam ist das Märchen der Liebe/Wondrous is the story of love (Leo Connard, 1918)

X-Men (Bryan Singer, 2001)

Yellow Submarine (George Dunning, 1968)

Zur Chronik von Grieshuus (1925)

Zingari/Gypsies (Mario Almirante, 1920)
Zopf und Schwert/Braid and Sword (Victor Janson, 1926)
Zuflucht/Refuge (Carl Froelich, 1928)
Zur Chronik von Grieshuus/The Chronicle of the Gray House (Arthur von Gerlach, 1925)
Zwischen zwei Welten/Between two worlds (Adolf Gärtner, 1919)

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