01 February 2018

Praesten fra havet (1918)

Olaf Fønss was one of Denmark and Germany's biggest stars of the silent film era. He played the leading role in the Dansk Film production Praesten fra havet (Fritz Magnussen, 1918), released in Germany as Der Pfarrer am Meere (The Priest at the Sea). German publishing house Verlag Hermann Leiser produced this sepia tinted series with scenes from the film for the German release of the film.

Olaf Fønss
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. 3128. Photo: Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet (Fritz Magnussen 1918), released in Germany as Der Pfarrer am Meere (The Priest at the Sea).

Olaf Fönss in Der Pfarrer am Meere
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. 3129. Photo: Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen 1918).

Olaf Fönss  and Gudrun Bruun in Praesten fra havet (1918)
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. 3130. Photo: Gudrun Bruun and Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen 1918).

A vicar caught in a battle

In Praesten fra havetOlaf Fønss plays vicar Strom. He is caught in a battle between the poor fishermen of the coastal village and the merchant Warming (Cajus Bruun), who owns all the fishing boats.

Warming's daughter, Agnete (Gudrun Bruun a.k.a. Gudrun Brunn and Gudrun Bruun Stephensen), is in love with the young vicar and tries to help him to lessen her father's demands on the fishermen.

Warming's demands of having the fishermen fish day and night is refused, and the merchant calls a lock-out, with poverty and starvation as a result. One day Warming is caught in a storm and the fishermen refuse to assist. They say: "He himself forbade us to use the boats!"

However, when vicar Strom himself enters the boat single-handedly, they are convinced to turn the other cheek and try to save Warming from certain death.

Olaf Fönss in Der Pfarrer am Meere
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. ?. Photo: Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen 1918).

Olaf Fönss in Der Pfarrer am Meere
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. 5001. Photo: Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen 1918).

Olaf Fönss in Der Pfarrer am Meere
German postcard by Verlag Hermann Leiser, Berlin, no. 5018. Photo: Gudrun Bruun and Olaf Fønss in Praesten fra havet/The Priest at the Sea (Fritz Magnussen 1918).

Sources: Danish Film Institute and IMDb.

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